This is my place to share my journey to becoming a mother and anything else that is going on in my life. Welcome!!


My photo
Age 33. Single, Native American hot chick (hence the blog title). I am a left wing, liberal, treehugging Democrat. I have made the choice to become a single mother and am doing so as a foster parent. I will go head on to put the most at risk children first. This is my place to share my journey. I hold nothing back, whether it be joy or heartbreak.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Beautiful day!!

It is finally spring my friends!! The sun is out, yard work is getting done and my body is sore!!! All winter I pretty much sat on my butt. I lost about 12 lbs. then promptly gained it back when I got sick and held down the damn couch for weeks on end. I have been up and about the past two days and now my body is paying me back.
I have roughly a month and a half before the IUI! Right now I am concentrating on getting rid of coffee (can say headache?) and taking my vitamins on time. I may not hit my weight loss goal but I am so happy right now. Having my family's support has meant the world to me. Speaking of which, look at the pic of my neices and nephews on the left! I may be a little bit biased, but aren't they gorgeous? Here is to a great week for all!!


twondra said...

Awwwww, love the picture! Very handsome

RainbowMomma said...

Kids are just gorgeous!

I am also trying to get back into losing again. I gained 1/2 of my 12 pounds, but am trying to lose it back again.

Good luck! Spring is in the air! Glad you are feeling it, too!

RainbowMomma said...

Just popping by to wish you a Happy Mother's Day. I know you'll get there. Much babydust.