This is my place to share my journey to becoming a mother and anything else that is going on in my life. Welcome!!


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Age 33. Single, Native American hot chick (hence the blog title). I am a left wing, liberal, treehugging Democrat. I have made the choice to become a single mother and am doing so as a foster parent. I will go head on to put the most at risk children first. This is my place to share my journey. I hold nothing back, whether it be joy or heartbreak.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

getting soooo close

Well, it's almost time!! Things worked out ok with the money. I was able to sell my season football tickets and now have ordered my vials and have my clomid ready to go. I am so glad I switched to Midwest. When I ordered my donor the director herself told me alot about my donor. He has confirmed pregnancies and is a great guy with "pretty green eyes". I feel so strongly about him.
The OB recomended a "dry run" for this next cycle, so I will be taking the clomid without doing the IUI. So here we go :)!! I am so ready for this. Dr. E says clomid tends to have a cumulative effect so taking it for one month before the IUI may increase my chances of BFP. I am a bit worried about the side affects but that is par for the course. Mom said that the side affects sound alot like pregancy itself so it will be practice:)


twondra said...

I'm so happy for you! Isn't Midwest great? :) I hope things work out!!

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

I've never heard that about clomid - sounds like a great plan!