This is my place to share my journey to becoming a mother and anything else that is going on in my life. Welcome!!


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Age 33. Single, Native American hot chick (hence the blog title). I am a left wing, liberal, treehugging Democrat. I have made the choice to become a single mother and am doing so as a foster parent. I will go head on to put the most at risk children first. This is my place to share my journey. I hold nothing back, whether it be joy or heartbreak.

Friday, August 1, 2008 I come!!!

Here I am at 1:58p on Friday at work. I am bored and anxious, so ready to go home. You know typical Friday attitude. What is different about today? My IUI is tomorrow!!!! I got my pos opk this morning (cd15) and will do the IUI tomorrow afternoon. Talk about ready, I almost did it today just to get it over with. Good thing my midwife/medicine woman is a rational person and talked me into waiting until the normal time frame. She will be coming over in the afternoon to do the deed and make sure I stay put for at least an hour. My Mom will be there along with Rosa so I will have my wise women by my side, which is a Native American tradition during childbirth.
So, here we go baby!!!!

1 comment:

twondra said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of ya!!