This is my place to share my journey to becoming a mother and anything else that is going on in my life. Welcome!!


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Age 33. Single, Native American hot chick (hence the blog title). I am a left wing, liberal, treehugging Democrat. I have made the choice to become a single mother and am doing so as a foster parent. I will go head on to put the most at risk children first. This is my place to share my journey. I hold nothing back, whether it be joy or heartbreak.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


That's how I feel right now and not in a good way. I think I may be coming down with something. Yesterday at work was torture and not just for the obvious reason that I hate my damn job. I can't concentrate and I stumble over my workds. LOL!!
The interview with ND on Friday was spectacular. It could not have been more perfect. I will be surprised if I don't get the job. If I get it then I will have Christmas week off. I have not had a holiday week off since I started this crap job. Both people I interviewed with were so personable and nice. It felt like I was having a conversation with my friends over a cup of coffee. I have never had an interview go so smoothly. I hope that is a good omen. They said that they will call tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest with the word on whether I got it or not and I will start the first week of December. Please pray for me, or send my your positive thoughts.
AF is still here, 8 days later. I have never had a period last this long. But then again until I began TTC my cycles were perfect. My amazing and beautiful SIL is being so supportive about all of this. I can't believe I thought she would'nt be. I'm thinking of asking her to come with me for the IUI. My mom will be there and I would love to have them both there to hold each hand.
I bought my turkey for Thanksgiving. 18.5 lbs. I hope it will be big enough :) Yes I cook, and my family comes to my house every year. My little house just bursts at the seams with my mom, brother and SIL and their six kids.
Well, here's to a great week. BABYDUST to all in the TWW right now.

1 comment:

twondra said...

yay! I'm glad the interview went so well! I'm really pulling for ya girl!! Keep us posted for sure!!!